Solomita Law, PLLC
Solomita Law, PLLC
  • 12001 Research Parkway
    Suite 236
    Orlando, FL 32826
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Interview On Talk Network Radio

  • Published: February 16, 2017

I joined Bold Talk Business Radio talk show host Donna Anselmo for a live stream on Tuesday, February 15. We discussed issues on the minds of people dealing with debt, especially questions relating to bankruptcy. The interview will stream again today and Friday in the 1 PM EST time slot on, or you can listen to our discussion right here at Click here.

If you are mired in debt, don’t feel alone. According to a 2015 Pew Research study, only 20 percent of Americans are free from any form of debt. The most common variety is mortgage debt (44 percent), followed by unpaid credit card balances (39 percent), car loans (37 percent), and student loans (21 percent).

According to a USA Today report (10.12.2016), “Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federal Reserve, ValuePenguin found that the average credit card debt for households that carry a balance is a shocking $16,048 — a figure that has risen by 10% over the past three years. At the average variable credit card interest rate of 16.1%, this translates to nearly $2,600 in credit card interest alone. And many credit cards have interest rates much higher than the average.”

With “an average interest rate and a minimum payment of 1.5% of the balance, it would take nearly 14 years for the typical indebted household to pay off its existing credit card debt, at a staggering cost of more than $40,200. Keep in mind that this assumes no additional credit card debt is added to the tab along the way,” the report stated.

For more information on debt relief and bankruptcy, feel free to contact me with your questions or concerns.

Alec Solomita, ESq.

Attorney Alec Solomita focuses his practice on bankruptcy
and debt relief while also assisting clients with general
legal services - Call Us Now - (407) 305-5599

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